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Why did Kaveh and Alhaitham fall out

The primary reason for their falling out was a fundamental disagreement over their differing perspectives on life, academia, and personal relationships:

  1. Kaveh accused Alhaitham of being an egoist, suggesting that Alhaitham could be more appreciated by others if he showed more concern for helping others.
  1. Alhaitham, on the other hand, criticized Kaveh’s impractical idealism, viewing it as a flight from reality.

Background and Context

To understand this conflict better, we need to consider some additional factors:

  1. Their collaboration began during their student days at the Akademiya.
  1. They worked together on a research project along with several other scholars.
  1. As time went on, all but Alhaitham and Kaveh dropped out of the project due to not being able to keep up with their intellectual abilities.

Key Events Leading to the Breakup

  1. Kaveh attempted to help his peers by taking up their workload, which led to burnout.
  1. Alhaitham confronted Kaveh about his behavior:
    • He pointed out that Kaveh’s altruism was actually born out of guilt rather than selflessness.
    • This revelation deeply hurt Kaveh, who felt that Alhaitham had seen through the facade he had created 7.
  1. Kaveh responded by declaring that he regretted making friends with someone so intelligent.
  1. The two parted ways abruptly, with Alhaitham removing his name from their joint thesis project.
  1. Kaveh destroyed his copy of the thesis but later regretted it.

Ongoing Impact

Even after their falling out:

  1. They continued to clash intellectually through journals, each criticizing the other’s perspectives.
  1. Alhaitham considers Kaveh a “mirror” – someone who lacks familial attachments but is the polar opposite of himself as a scholar.
  1. Their relationship remains complex, with both characters struggling to fully understand each other.

This falling out highlights the challenges that can arise when individuals with fundamentally different worldviews attempt to collaborate closely, especially in fields like academia where differing perspectives can lead to significant disagreements.

Even though they are no longer friends, they still meet occasionally. This shows that even in the face of disagreement, they cannot completely sever their ties with each other. However, this complex relationship also shows us how personal beliefs and values can influence our behavior and decision-making in academic and philosophical fields. At the same time, the Kaveh earrings serve as a subtle symbol of what lies behind their differences, reminding us that creativity and wisdom are to be cherished in all circumstances.

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