In the Dragon Ball series, discussing who the strongest character is presents a complex yet fascinating topic, as characters continuously develop and showcase incredible powers. However, we can attempt to identify the strongest character through analyzing their abilities, achievements, and performances within the story.
Criteria for the Strongest Character
Firstly, we need to clarify what “strongest” means. In the world of Dragon Ball, this term could refer to combat power, destructive capacity, or understanding of universal rules. Therefore, the strongest character may vary depending on differing perspectives.
Main Contenders
Universe’s Strongest: Zeno
Zeno is described as possessing power greater than Goku and Vegeta combined, capable of easily erasing entire universes with just a flick of his finger. This makes him the strongest in terms of raw power. However, his participation in battles is minimal, often serving more comedic roles rather than engaging directly in fights.
Top Combatant: Goku
Goku has undergone several significant power-ups, including the Super Saiyan God transformation and the Ultra Instinct state. Especially in later stages, mastering and achieving Perfect Ultra Instinct places him nearly at a god-level of strength. Nonetheless, Goku’s strength relies on his continuous training and willingness to evolve.
Peak of Mankind: Bergamo and Grug
Within the realm of humans, Bergamo and Grug are considered the strongest, with their power matching that of the gods. However, compared to Zeno, their might still seems insufficient.
In the world of Dragon Ball, no single character can be absolutely superior in every aspect. Zeno, with his boundless power and control over the universe, might be theoretically the strongest. But if we consider actual application of combat power and personal growth, the strength of characters like Goku and others also deserves recognition. Ultimately, who is the strongest character depends on how one defines “strongest.”
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