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What is Misato’s trauma

Misato Katsuragi, a pivotal character in the Neon Genesis Evangelion series, is known for her tough exterior and commanding presence. However, beneath her confident facade lies a complex web of emotional scars and unresolved traumas. Understanding Misato’s backstory and psychological struggles provides insight into her actions and motivations throughout the series.

Misato’s Trauma: Her Father and the Second Impact Event

Misato’s trauma stems from her complex and deep relationship with her father and the impact of the Second Impact Event on her.

Father’s behavior

Misato’s father, Dr. Katsuragi, was emotionally cold and workaholic. His behavior led to Misato feeling abandoned and neglected, an experience that left a deep mark on her mental health.

Second Impact and its aftermath

When the Second Impact occurred, Misato’s father placed her in an escape hatch. This decisive move left Misato with an unresolved internal conflict:

  • This decision makes Misato feel abandoned by her father.
  • In her father’s subsequent death, she is unable to untangle her emotional attachment to him.

Psychological Impact

Misato’s trauma has had profound psychological effects:

  1. She developed aphasia (loss of speech) for several years after her father disappeared.
  2. She struggles with intimacy and commitment, often using her femininity and sexuality as a defense mechanism.
  3. She has difficulty forming genuine connections with others, preferring surface-level relationships.
  4. She experiences nightmares and sleep discomfort related to her past.

Coping Mechanisms

Misato attempts to cope with her trauma in various ways:

  • She joins NERV to fight against the Angels, seeking revenge for her father’s death.
  • She uses sex as a means to feel loved and valued.
  • She adopts a dual personality – a professional, serious persona at work and a more relaxed, flirtatious persona at home.

Relationship with Shinji

Misato’s relationship with Shinji reflects her deeper psychological state:

  • She takes on a maternal role towards Shinji, attempting to balance her duties as his commander with her desire to be a nurturing figure.
  • Their shared traumas create a bond between them, but also puts distance between them at times.

In summary, Misato’s trauma stems primarily from her complex and unresolved issues with her father and the impact of the Second Impact event on her. These experiences shaped her character, her heart, and her coping mechanisms so that she her trauma is imprinted in her behaviors, relationship patterns, and the various forms of her inner world, laying the groundwork for a significant role in Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Misato’s traumatic experience also underscores the theme of this work of Neon Genesis Evangelion-namely, that trauma and pain are common human experiences, but they are also the basis for our growth and change.

Misato Cross Necklace: carries courage and hope

As Misato says, “In the darkness, there is always light.” Let this unique misato cross necklace be a symbol of your strength. Feel the resilient spirit of Misato every time you wear it.

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