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What is Kyo Sohma’s True Form?

Kyo Sohma possesses a shocking secret – he has a terrifying, foul-smelling original form. This true form is the physical manifestation of the cat spirit from the chinese zodiac, speed, and strength. In this state, he can even knock over a stone cliff wall with a single punch. This original form is one of the curses of the zodiac, reflecting the disdain and discrimination of the other twelve signs.

Only when not wearing the Juzu beads will Kyo transform into this frightening original form. This terrifying true form contrasts sharply with his gentle, warm, and hospitable personality, adding depth and appeal to his complex character.

Why does Kyo turn into a cat?

In the enchanting world of Fruits Basket, Kyo Sohma is cursed with a family secret. The Sohma family members are possessed by the spirits of the Chinese zodiac, and when they’re hugged by someone of the opposite sex, they transform into their respective animals. Kyo, as the Cat of the Zodiac, transforms into a small orange cat. This transformation is a constant reminder of the curse and the isolation he feels from others.

Age and Physical Characteristics

how old is kyo sohma?

Kyo Sohma’s age varies in the manga and anime. In the manga, Kyo’s age ranges from 16 to 18. In the anime, Kyo’s age starts at 17 and continues in the timeline until 19. At the end of the timeline, Kyo’s age is 30. To summarize, Kyo Sohma’s age depends on the timeline we are referring to.

how tall is kyo sohma?

Kyo Sohma is 171.3 cm tall, which is about 5’7″ .

when is kyo sohma birthday?

Kyo Sohma’s birthday is January 15th . This information is consistently mentioned in several sources,

How strong is Kyo Sohma?

Kyo is a physically strong character, possessing both natural athleticism and strength gained from years of training. His strength is evident in his martial arts skills and his ability to suppress the violent tendencies of his true form. However, his emotional turmoil and the curse often hinder him from reaching his full potential.

Does Tohru accept Kyo’s true form?

Yes, Tohru accepts Kyo’s true form. One of the most heartwarming aspects of the Fruits Basket series is the relationship between Kyo and Tohru. When Tohru witnesses Kyo’s monstrous true form, she doesn’t recoil in horror.Tohru not only accepts but also embraces Kyo’s true form, which is the Zodiac Cat. Despite his hideous transformation and the stigma associated with his true form, Tohru’s acceptance provides Kyo with comfort and helps him confront the Sohma curse.

Kyo Sohma Bracelet

Looking for a unique accessory inspired by Fruits Basket? Consider adding a Kyo Sohma bracelet to your collection! These stylish accessories feature intricate designs reminiscent of Kyo’s white fur and piercing green eyes. Perfect for fans of the series or anyone who appreciates Japanese-inspired fashion.

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