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Is Broly a good guy or bad guy?

Broly, the legendary Super Saiyan from the Dragon Ball universe, He is the latest of Universe 7’s Legendary Super Saiyans, demonic Saiyan warriors who appear every 1,000 years. Has been a subject of debate among fans regarding his moral alignment. Let’s explore the different aspects of Broly’s character and examine whether he can be classified as purely good or bad.

How old is broly​?

Broly’s age varies depending on the source. In the movie Dragon Ball Super: Broly, Broly is stated to be 48 years old. This is consistent with other sources, such as the Daizenshuu, which states that Broly was born in Age 732.

However, some sources state that Broly is 5 years older than Vegeta. This would make Broly 49 years old. It is important to note that Broly’s age is not explicitly stated in all sources. As a result, there is some debate about his exact age.

How tall is broly​?

Broly’s height is 7 feet tall in his normal form and 9’10” in his Wrathful state. Broly is a powerful Saiyan mutant and the son of Paragus.

Why is Broly so strong?

He was naturally born with a mutant Saiyan ability that gave him extremely high genetic potential at birth. His power level was over 10,000. He then unlocked more power from fighting on his planet and training with his father. When pushed in a fight, he gained a zenkai boost. This means that he only needed to be pushed in a fight to gain power, unlike other Saiyans who needed to be near death. He can harness his rage to power up and transform into an Oozaru-like form.

Is Broly a villain or hero?

Broly’s characterization has evolved over time, leading to different perspectives on his role. In his original Dragon Ball Z appearances, Broly was portrayed as a villain fueled by hatred and a desire for revenge. He posed a significant threat to the Z Fighters and nearly destroyed the universe.

However, more recent portrayals in Dragon Ball Super paint Broly in a more complex light. While still capable of immense destructive power, he is shown to have a softer side and is driven by the desire to protect those he cares about. His motivations are explored further in the movie Dragon Ball Super: Broly, which delves into his tragic backstory and establishes a more sympathetic portrayal.

Therefore, whether Broly is considered a villain or hero depends on the specific context and interpretation. He possesses both villainous and heroic traits, making him a multifaceted character.

Is Broly dead?

Broly was indeed killed by the combined efforts of Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Goku’s spirit in the eighth movie. However, he was later revived in the tenth movie, though he was in a coma for seven years. So, while he was once dead, he is currently alive.

In conclusion, Broly’s journey from villain to hero has cemented his place as one of the most beloved characters in Dragon Ball Super. His incredible strength, noble spirit, and complex backstory continue to captivate audiences worldwide. Whether you view him as a hero or a force of nature, Broly remains an integral part of the Dragon Ball universe, inspiring fans with his unwavering determination and unrelenting power.

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Are you ready to unleash your inner Super Saiyan? Look no further! Our Broly shirt is now available. Stand out from the crowd and proudly declare your allegiance to the mighty warrior. Order yours today and join the ranks of fellow Broly enthusiasts worldwide!

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