In the world of “Berserk,” Griffith’s Behelit is known as the “Egg of the King” or the “Crimson Behelit,” deriving its meaning from its symbolic significance and story background. Here’s a simplified explanation of its role and importance: Symbolic Meaning of Behelit In “Berserk,” the Behelit symbolizes pivotal turning points and inevitable destinies. It is […]
Category: Berserk
What happened to the egg in Berserk of king?
In the world of Berserk, the Egg of the king Perfect World, originally known as the Nameless, is a societal outcast found in the ruins of Albion City. It discovered the Behelit, which transformed it into a mutated apostle. Its purpose was to assist Griffith in regaining a physical form through the activation of the […]