In the Japanese manga and anime series Hunter x Hunter, the relationship between Hisoka and Illumi is complex and astonishing. These two characters are both antagonists in the animation series, being among the most controversial and unpredictable characters in the story. Their interactions reveal a relationship filled with opposition and turbulence, yet full of passion and mutual dependability.
Hisoka’s relationship with other characters, and more
The Complex Collaborative Relationship between Hisoka and Illumi
- Engagement: An intriguing interaction occurred when Illumi referred to his contract with Hisoka as an “engagement”. This is not a traditional engagement in terms of romance or marriage as we understand it. This “engagement” is more akin to an exchanging condition or protocol in a deadly game. As mercenaries and risk lovers, Hisoka and Illumi agreed to a contract. If Hisoka is killed according to their agreement, Illumi would be rewarded. This contract was blithely referred to as “engagement” by Illumi. This indicates their commitment and recognition between them, even though it’s based on a commitment concerning death and murder.
- Fatal Prediction: However, the relationship between Hisoka and Illumi is not this simple. Their symbiotic relationship sometimes switches into an ominous fighting motivation, such as when Illumi warned that one of them might eventually kill the other. This dramatic turning point brings complexity into their relationship, highlighting the tension and uncertainty between them.
- Friends or Allies: In Hunter x Hunter, the relationship between Hisoka and Illumi is indeed multifaceted. They can usually be seen as friends or allies, participating in the Hunter Exam together and cooperating in various events. Their relationship transcends basic alliances, with deep respect and admiration for each other. On the contrary, their relationship also involves a mutual benefit. During the events in York-New city, Illumi disguised as Hisoka, allowing Hisoka the chance to battle with Chrollo. This interexchange shows that their relationship is not just friendship, but also a mutual assistance and reciprocity.
- Similar Fashion Style: More subtle hints could be observed in their appearance and clothing choices. Their clothing style sometimes mimics each other, frequently wearing loose pants and crop tops with different colored shirts. During the Hunter Exam events, their clothes added short puffed sleeves. Moreover, in the York-New city events, Hisoka wore dark green, which is usually worn by Illumi. This might suggest a closer relationship between them, even to the extent of fulfilling the concept of “couple outfits”. Additionally, their appearance and physique are extremely similar, and this similarity can be seen as a manifestation of their interconnection.
While some audience hope this to be crystallization of love, there indeed is no obvious evidence based on affection between them. Illumi and Hisoka’s relationship often undergoes according to their individual goals and interests, strategies and games, rather than traditionally defined romantic love.